Road safety online
FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB) is an initiative implemented by the "Traffic Challenge" not-for-profit organization and the police of the city of Kyiv with the support of the Community Policing Innovation Fund (CPIF) under the Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP), implemented in Ukraine by Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB) is the first digital road safety platform (link to the digital hub) that blends various training formats for different age groups. FRoSH is a high-quality modern road safety training based on current international practices, approaches, and data. Our virtual training center was created to support professionals working with young people. Every expert working with children and young people these days should know this. Make sure they know it when you leave your children with someone! The platform is available on the official website of the National Program for the Prevention of Road Traffic Injuries among Children and Youth.
The main objective of this project is:
- Ensuring equal opportunities to get modern high-quality road safety training for all Ukrainians throughout Ukraine and, thus, rising general public awareness of the most efficient road safety means, methods and principles pursuant to the global standards.
- Ensuring more efficient and regular communication between the police and the public on an individual basis, with feedback and substantial administrative resource saving.
Goals of the Project:
Providing people with an opportunity to understand the essence of road safety rules, to “experience” implications of wrong behavior, to realize that compliance with road safety rules is rather about creating a chance to survive and keep ourselves and other people safe than about imposing limitations — conscious compliance with road safety rules.
Launch of the social advertising and promotion campaign "Wait!" about five key risk factors in a car accident
- Engaging over 3 thousand citizens during the period of the project implementation (and dozens of thousands during the project follow-up period) in training and community policing in the context of road safety. Attracting public attention (over 2 million people) to the issue of road safety training through the media.
- Changing public behaviour through training of opinion leaders, which will result in reduction of road traffic fatality rate and injury rate, predominantly for children and youth. Addressing one of the most urgent fatality and injury issues — reduction of traffic offences.
- Creating a long-term sustainable instrument in the area of road safety.
The major achievement of the FRoSH project is the design of a long-term sustainable change tool in the road safety domain, which brings the community closer to the police and professional experts, and creates an opportunity for dialogue between police officers and citizens from anywhere in Ukraine. The social significance of the platform is its unique and easily accessible high-quality content in the Ukrainian language with, unfortunately, no match in the entire education system of Ukraine. At this stage, the Traffic Challenge offers to the public an opportunity to easily access free and quality safety training and encourages police officers from all over Ukraine working in the field of road safety to use the platform's content in their outreach and prevention activities.
Правила дорожнього руху у відеоуроках і подкастах. Опис ініціативи «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)»
Ініціатива «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)» реалізована ГО «Traffic Challenge» та поліцією міста Києва за підтримки Інноваційного...
image 425
Road Safety
Перевищення швидкості. Соціальна реклама «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)»
Ініціатива «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)» реалізована ГО «Traffic Challenge» та поліцією міста Києва за підтримки Інноваційного...
video 301
Road Safety
Правила мотоцикліста. Соціальна реклама «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)»
Ініціатива «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)» реалізована ГО «Traffic Challenge» та поліцією міста Києва за підтримки Інноваційного...
video 299
Road Safety
Ремені безпеки. Соціальна реклама «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)»
Ініціатива «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)» реалізована ГО «Traffic Challenge» та поліцією міста Києва за підтримки Інноваційного...
video 290
Road Safety
Використання автокрісел. Соціальна реклама «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)»
Ініціатива «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)» реалізована ГО «Traffic Challenge» та поліцією міста Києва за підтримки Інноваційного...
video 309
Road Safety
Водіння в нетверезому стані. Соціальна реклама «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)»
Ініціатива «FRoSH (First Road Safety HUB)» реалізована ГО «Traffic Challenge» та поліцією міста Києва за підтримки Інноваційного...
video 307
Road Safety