Pseudo begging. Chernivtsi
The "Police and Community Partnership to Address Beggar Exploitation in Chernivtsi" initiative was implemented by the "People's Aid Ukraine" not-for-profit organization together with the National Police in the city of Chernivtsi under the Community Policing Innovation Fund (CPIF) as part of the Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP), implemented in Ukraine by Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
The purpose of the initiative was to address the issue of beggar exploitation (reducing by at least 50% the number of organized crime groups that engage people with disabilities and people in crisis in begging activities) in Chernivtsi.
- Develop and describe a response protocol and cooperation mechanisms between the police, community, not-for-profit sector, local governments, social and medical services in identification of beggar exploitation on the streets of the city;
- Raise awareness among the city residents of the problem, identify differences between begging as making a living and making ends meet (homelessness);
- Draft a decision of the Chernivtsi City Council members approving the developed mechanism of cooperation at the local level.
- Developed and legally formulated protocol of cooperation between the police, community, civil society, local government, social and medical services to begging on the streets of the city.
- The document describing the protocol of cooperation was reviewed at a public hearing and tabled for approval by the Chernivtsi City Council. The proposed protocol of cooperation was reviewed at a public hearing, but has not yet been proposed for approval by the session of the Chernivtsi City Council due to changes in the leadership of the city council and inconsistent organization of city council meetings during the final stage of the project.
- The number of organized "begging" groups in Chernivtsi has been reduced by at least 50%, based on the media reports.
- 250,000 residents of Chernivtsi have been covered by the information campaign of the project, which highlighted the problem in the focus of the project, and the differences between begging and homelessness. This result was achieved due to a large-scale awareness campaign and the use of visual and information messages on outdoor advertising platforms (billboards and city lights), an information campaign on city radio stations, and an information campaign in social media.
- Increased trust in the Patrol Police, as evidenced from the survey of beneficiaries of the "People's Aid Ukraine" organization, volunteers, and partners. Improved efficiency and effectiveness of the city’s Patrol Police, as evidenced in the individual feedback, comments and posts on social media and via other means.
Подолання примусового жебрацтва через партнерство поліції та громади Чернівців. Опис ініціативи
Ініціатива «Партнерство поліції та громади задля подолання псевдожебрацтва в місті Чернівці» реалізована...
image 306
Public Safety
Бізнес на милостині. Зовнішня реклама про протидію примусовому жебрацтву
Ініціатива «Партнерство поліції та громади задля подолання псевдожебрацтва в місті Чернівці» реалізована...
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Public Safety
Примусове жебрацтво — це торгівля людьми. Плакат у межах інформаційної кампанії
Ініціатива «Партнерство поліції та громади задля подолання псевдожебрацтва в місті Чернівці» реалізована...
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Public Safety
Боротьба з примусовим жебрацтвом. Реклама в соцмережах
Ініціатива «Партнерство поліції та громади задля подолання псевдожебрацтва в місті Чернівці» реалізована...
image 285
Public Safety
Боротьба з псевдожебрацтвом у Чернівцях. Соціальна реклама для радіо (1)
Ініціатива «Партнерство поліції та громади задля подолання псевдожебрацтва в місті Чернівці» реалізована...
video 298
Public Safety
Боротьба з псевдожебрацтвом у Чернівцях. Соціальна реклама для радіо (2)
Ініціатива «Партнерство поліції та громади задля подолання псевдожебрацтва в місті Чернівці» реалізована...
video 268
Public Safety