CCG for countering violence. Zaporizhzhia
The initiative Strengthening the Effectiveness of Combating Domestic and Gender-Based Violence at the community level through the establishment of community consultative groups (CCG) was implemented by Zaporizhzhia regional non-profit organization "Association of Psychologists and Psychoanalysts "INTERACTION" together with the Patrol Police of the city of Zaporizhzhia, Zaporizhzhia district police, and the mobile domestic violence response teams with the support of Canada-Ukraine Police Development Project (CUPDP) under the financial support of the Government of Canada.
The purpose of the initiative was to improve the quality of services provided to the survivors of domestic violence and gender-based violence, especially women and girls from rural areas, through the establishment of a joint working group and coordination councils (CCG) at the community level in Zaporizhzhia region.
- Facilitate the establishment of a coordinating body for the prevention and counteraction to domestic violence at the community level;
- Coordinate and agree on the programs and activities to prevent and combat domestic violence, their design and implementation by the involved institutions;
- Draft and approve standard operating procedures (SOPs) for domestic and gender-based violence response;
- Report to stakeholders and the community;
- Develop and launch multidisciplinary response models; development of a system of services and referrals;
- Training of specialists: development and implementation of training programs, emergency awareness raising among service providers;
- Strengthen communication: maintain the attention of the community residents to the issue and timely inform them about available services.
Створення громадських консультативних груп (ГКГ) для протидії насильству в ОТГ. Опис ініціативи
Ініціатива «Посилення ефективності протидії домашньому та гендерно зумовленому насильству на рівні ОТГ через...
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Gender-based Violence