Safety rules for foreigners. Odesa

The initiative "Raising the Level of Awareness of the Residents and Guests of the City of Odesa Regarding Public Safety and Protection from Criminal Attacks" was implemented by the Association of Women's Organizations of Odesa Region together with the Odesa City Patrol Police and with the support of the Community Policing Innovation Fund (CPIF) of the Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP), implemented in Ukraine by Agriteam Canada Consulting LTD with the financial support of Government of Canada.


  • Increase the level of awareness of Odesa residents and guests of the city of public safety and protection from criminal attacks and ways to seek help;
  • Assess the level of satisfaction among Odesa residents with the work of the police and raise their awareness of an effective approach to communicate with the police;
  • Collect suggestions on the improvements of the police service in the context of the police reform and regarding the measures to increase awareness of the police work.


  1. 5 information stands were erected and 10 awareness activities were held at their site, including on sharing recommendations with the locals and guests of the city on public safety
  2. Foreigners living in Odesa were provided with the information about key safety measures and organizations to contacs when witnessing or experiencing crimes, in particular theft, car accidents, and/or encountering children begging for money or food in the streets.