Youth advisers to police officers. Ivano-Frankivsk region
The "Youth Advisers to Police Officers" initiative was implemented by the «Youth Non-governmental Organisation «Moloda Prosvita» non-profit organization together with Patrol Police of the Ivano-Frankivsk region with the support of the Community Policing Innovation Fund (CPIF) of the Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP), implemented in Ukraine by Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
The main objective of this project is to reduce youth crime by elevating ongoing communication and building trust-based relationships between patrol police and the Ivano-Frankivsk vocational students via Local Youth Police Advisory Offices set up at the Ivano-Frankivsk vocational colleges.
The project’s objectives:
- organise and hold 3 one-day thematic workshops for a total of 60 trainees selected from among students and teachers of the Ivano-Frankivsk vocational colleges;
- assist trainees in preparing and delivering 12 topical lectures to the Ivano-Frankivsk vocational students;
- organise and hold a four-day youth thematic camp;
- prepare a concept for the operation of Local Youth Police Advisory Offices under the Ivano-Frankivsk vocational colleges and launch their operation at 12 vocational colleges in Ivano-Frankivsk;
- create a youth crime prevention video;
- hold a final roundtable meeting and presentation of the project deliverables.
- 48 students and 12 teachers of the Ivano-Frankivsk vocational colleges participated in training and communication with the police;
- 12 teams made up of students and teachers of the Ivano-Frankivsk vocational colleges trained around 2,000 of their peers on mutual responsibility between youth and police;
- A Local Youth Police Advisory Office set up in each of the 12 Ivano-Frankivsk vocational college participating in the project, a concept of its operations developed, and an operation agreement between vocational college and the Ivano-Frankivsk Patrol Police Department made;
- A youth crime prevention video encouraged teenagers to developing friendly cooperation with police to be created and shown on a regional TV channel as a social cause advertisement;
- A youth crime prevention video on social media attracted around 20 viewers from among Ivano-Frankivsk’s residents.
Молодіжні радники поліцейських. Короткий відеоролик із субтитрами
Ініціатива «Молодіжні радники поліцейських» впроваджувалася Івано-Франківською обласною організацією...
video 404
Safe Environment for Children
Молодіжні радники поліцейських. Повний відеоролик із субтитрами
Ініціатива «Молодіжні радники поліцейських» впроваджувалася Івано-Франківською обласною організацією...
video 285
Safe Environment for Children
Молодіжні радники поліцейських. Кампанія залучення учнів коледжів і ПТУ до взаємодії з поліцією. Опис ініціативи
Ініціатива «Молодіжні радники поліцейських» впроваджувалася Івано-Франківською обласною організацією...
image 314
Safe Environment for Children