Neighborhood safety. Kyiv, Darnytsia
The "Safe Darnytsia through the partnership of the police and the community" initiative was implemented by Information and Training Center for Public Initiatives non-profit organization together with the Patrol Police of the city of Kyiv with the support of the Community Policing Innovation Fund (CPIF) of the Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP), administered in Ukraine by Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
The purpose of the initiative was to establish communication between the police and the community for joint activities on the formation of zero tolerance for socially harmful acts in the Darnyts'kyy district of Kyiv and overcome such crimes as drug trafficking and domestic /gender-based violence.
- Form a group of local community leaders (LLCs) who, after training, will conduct regular informational and advocacy work with the public on joint police/community action/methods to overcome the crimes such as drug trafficking and domestic gender-based violence; and other kinds of socially harmful acts (such as smoking and drinking alcoholic attitudes or walking dogs in prohibited places);
- Increase the level of community trust to the police, to promote the support of the actions of the police by the citizens through the development of knowledge about the functions, duties, methods of work of various police units (including through informing about the activities of the mobile groups "POLINA") by holding meetings with the citizens, teachers, youth and schoolchildren; creating an online communication platform;
- Identify the community potential to support police and government actions to overcome domestic gender-based violence through the formation of a network of activists who are ready to provide temporary shelter to victims of violence;
- Activate the local community for independent action and cooperation with the police on the prevention and control of drug trafficking, domestic gender-based violence, smoking and drinking alcohol, and dog walking in prohibited places;
- Conduct an information campaign among various groups of the citizens for the formation of zero tolerance to the trafficking of narcotic substances, domestic/gender-based violence, other crimes and socially harmful acts.
- creation of zero tolerance in the community of Darnyts'kyy district has been ensured for such types of crime as trafficking narcotic substances, domestic/gender-based violence and other types of offenses;
- defining possibilities in the Darnyts'kyy district for forming a network of activists who are ready to provide temporary shelter to victims of violence (activists who are ready to undergo appropriate training and provide such services);
- raising level of understanding and trust of citizens to the police actions, especially in crisis situations, including concerning the work of mobile groups POLINA;
- drowning citizens' attention to the need for cooperation with the police and an active public attitude to ensure a safe living environment.
Безпека поліцейських, які реагують на випадки насильства в сім’ї. Буклет для поліції
Ініціатива «Безпечна Дарниця через партнерство поліції та громади» реалізована ГО «Інформаційно-тренінговий...
text-file 285
Gender-based Violence
Безпека поліцейських, які реагують на випадки насильства в сім’ї. Плакат для поліції
Ініціатива «Безпечна Дарниця через партнерство поліції та громади» реалізована ГО «Інформаційно-тренінговий...
image 305
Gender-based Violence
Права постраждалих від насильства. Допомога постраждалим у Дарницькому районі. Плакат
Ініціатива «Безпечна Дарниця через партнерство поліції та громади» реалізована ГО «Інформаційно-тренінговий...
text-file 315
Gender-based Violence
Функції та повноваження поліцейських. Тренінг для активних громадян
Ініціатива «Безпечна Дарниця через партнерство поліції та громади» реалізована ГО «Інформаційно-тренінговий...
text-file 316
Earlier Training
Кампанія безпеки в районі міста через навчання активних громадян підходу Community Policing. Опис ініціативи
Ініціатива «Безпечна Дарниця через партнерство поліції та громади» реалізована ГО «Інформаційно-тренінговий...
image 308
Public Safety
Тренінг на тему взаємодії поліції та громади. Навчання для активних громадян
Ініціатива «Безпечна Дарниця через партнерство поліції та громади» реалізована ГО «Інформаційно-тренінговий...
text-file 278
Earlier Training