Youth activism. Khmelnitskiy
"Activism Starts in You" initiative was implemented by the "Youth for a Better Future" non-profit together with the National Police in the city of Khmelnytskyi with the support of the Community Policing Innovation Fund (CPIF) as part of the Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP), implemented in Ukraine by Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
The purpose of the initiative was to mobilize young people to form a working group on police-community cooperation, create conditions for effective communication, strengthen trust in the police to prevent crime, identify the most active young people and conduct awareness-raising activities among them, train young people to independently challenge emerging issues and, together with the police, initiate preventive programs.
- Create a sustainable working group for preventive activities in the teenage environment and in the community of the city.
- Maintain the activities of the working group to consolidate established cooperation with the police, as well as to prevent crime, drug use and distribution.
- Involve the authorities as one of the parties to the issue.
- Inform a wide audience about the successful communication of young people with the police through local television, press, and online publications.
- Provide opportunities for the realization of young people, their gaining experience in the public sector.
- Create a network of educational institutions, police and government organization on the prevention of crime in the youth environment.
Як мотивувати підлітків? Кампанія неформального спілкування з поліцейськими. Опис ініціативи
Ініціатива «Активність починається з тебе» реалізована ГО «Молодь за краще майбутнє» спільно з Головним...
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Safe Environment for Children
«Жива бібліотека» з поліцейськими. Неформальне спілкування поліцейських із молоддю
Ініціатива «Активність починається з тебе» реалізована ГО «Молодь за краще майбутнє» спільно з Головним...
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Safe Environment for Children