Bureau for Institutional Development
The main purpose of the Bureau for Institutional Development non-profit is to implement and protect human rights and freedoms, in particular with regard to economic, social, cultural, environmental, and other interests, to develop civil society, to create an effective forum for discussing topical issues, to develop and implement effective projects to solve urgent problems, to bring the standard of living of Ukrainian citizens closer to the best generally recognized world standards.
The main tasks of the non-profit:
- Support of the development of the socially oriented state and rule of law in Ukraine
- Promotion of equal opportunities and creation of conditions for the comprehensive development and social formation of each individual, regardless of their differences and social characteristics
- Assistance in combating discrimination and violence in any manifestations
- Supporting activities aimed at reconciliation, conflict resolution and community cohesion
- Comprehensive promotion of gender parity
- Raising the level of legal education and legal awareness of the population.